Ok, so I've been a little delayed between entries lately. I have been mulling over 2 big decisions, which sort of go together. So I'd been considering going back for a PhD, but I've thought about this for years. But now I was thinking it might actually be about time to move forward on this idea. And then I got an email from my previous program director from my NP program about a job opening at that university's hospital in trauma. And the hours looks like a perfect fit for school. Holy moly! Could it get better? Well except for the fact it's like 9 months too early! So now I'm officially going to apply for the PhD it seems. But what about the job? I reply saying it looks good, tell me more. Next thing is, "Can you send a copy of your resume?" I figure, sure, what do I have to lose? But the whole thing spirals into a snowball with an interview and then another big ol' interview coming up. So now I'm thinking, "If this happens, I'd have to sell my house and move 3000 miles away." Ugh. Which, admittedly I'd have to do next summer, but that gives me time to sort things out. This would mean I have to get a move on things right away. So I meet with 3 realtors who give me bad news: either I can't sell my house, or I can't sell it remotely for what it's worth in this current market! AH! Now what? Rent it out? (Which then means I have to rent over there?) Gosh, I don't know. So that's the step I'm looking at. I've got 2 meetings set up with property management companies when I fly back from the interviews to see what they are all about. And what about my current job? I don't know about that either. I love the people I work with, I love where I live, I love what I do. How do I leave? Once again, assuming school does work out, I'd have to leave anyway. But sooner than I planned or wanted. On the other hand, a job like this is unlikely to present itself when I need it to, and for it be at that same hospital is even more unlikely. As you can see, I'm in a conundrum and have some serious thinking to do. I'm first waiting to see how the job really sounds and get the nitty-gritty when I'm there. I have a lot of details to work out if I decide I'm on board for the change. I'll keep you posted!