I've been excited reading about the creation of what's been touted as the "RN Super Union." And then I read that 1 week ago, on Oct 1, that Massachusetts has joined the team. Now leaders of 3 major nursing organizations have formed the National Nurses United (NNU). It is now the largest union for registered nurses with 150,000 members. It is the United American Nurses, Massachusetts Nurses Association, and California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee that have come together to form this professional association aimed at improving patient care conditions, protecting RNs, and expanding patients' rights and RN practice.
I think this a great move. I am in complete support of this union formation and think it will only help nurses gain a national voice. As part of the California Nurses Association, I see the benefits that a union can provide at the state level. And it was this voice in CA that helped establish the successful RN-to-patient ratios for safe staffing law. Taking a union to the national level can only help raise awareness of issues that nurses face every day, enhance our advocacy for patients, and collectively join on common goals and issues no matter your state.
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