The other day I was discussing with my colleagues the topic of foreign bodies. What have we seen over the years? Probably my most memorable foreign body was finding a koosh ball on a pelvic exam. And let me just say, it'd been there a while. Interesting, but I don't think I took the cake. My colleague had a patient that was "cooking naked" and fell on a can on cooking spray. Don't you hate it when that happens, especially when you relax your sphincters when falling? Fortunately the lid was conveniently duct taped on. Sadly, this is actually not the first time I have heard of a large can being found in lower GI tract. Really, you'd think that would be a unique find, but surprisingly no so unique.
A perfectly round object was seen on AP and lateral views of a pelvic x-ray of another patient. When questioned the patient casually replied, "Oh, my golf ball?" Oh, of course! Now why didn't I think of that? Just where I keep my golf balls. Apparently the patient was annoyed by diarrhea and felt a golf ball was a better choice than, perhaps, Imodium.

I have to say, I learned something in this conversation. I learned a new term "fisting." I'm not sure if I'm better or worse for knowing this information, but maybe somewhat enlightened on an apparently common [sexual] practice. Call me boring, but fists don't sound like a good time. Each to their own I suppose, but clearly even the name could suggest the potential for injury. The "foreign object" was of course not present on admission, but the fist had perforated the bowel.
Well, although some of these stories can be funny and strangely fascinating, they generally aren't so funny in the moment. They actually can be quite serious (like perforated bowel!) and often require surgery for removal or repair. And of course in the category of foreign bodies, often comes impalement. Hum, perhaps I should save impalement for another day.
OMG! Wow, those are some interesting objects. I can't imagine that happening but I am sure that you will see more and more strange objects over the years.