Well, as some of you might remember, I mentioned going back to school for a PhD. The grueling application process is over, and I recently made my official decision on which offer to accept. It was actually far more taxing than I anticipated! I only applied to 4 schools, but it turned out to be far more work than I expected when I started! I'm trying to remember if it was this much work to apply to go to school before, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't. Nonetheless, that part is over and that's a relief. Although I do realize, this is really only the tip of the iceberg! Now it's on to four years of school!
This also means a move across the country...again. I moved for school on the east coast twice, and looks like I've committed to doing the same for my PhD. It's already feeling more complicated at this age. Wish me luck in selling my house!
Regardless of the obstacles, I am excited. I look forward to the work ahead of me, even though I know it won't be easy. This will probably change my focus here, as well. When I first started this, I wanted to try make sure it wasn't only for NPs. That is hard at times, and I know I also tend to favor "trauma topics." I can't help it. But with my soon-to-be academic focus, I'm sure you will notice a change in topics again...but not until Fall!
Congrats on deciding the do the doctoral route. Academic or Clinical? I am sitting back and watching for a while to see if it's worth my time and money to go back since Florida STILL doesn't give up controlled RX rights. Good luck!