Wednesday, September 16, 2009


We have all probably had some experience with simulator models but I realized yesterday that simulators have come a long way since I last saw or worked with one. In nursing school, I remember SimMan. He was pretty neat, where you could hear abnormal breath sounds, different heart beats and rhythms and maybe a few other things. But that's about all he did. At an all day trauma lecture/conference yesterday, I met MetiMan. He's probably a relative, but was far more advanced. I was shocked and impressed by these advances. His eyes open/blinks (with a click), has reactive pupils, can get diaphoretic, cyanotic, has pulses (and apparently can tell if you've assessed his pulses correctly), can bleed out (seriously, like 4 liters), has bowel sounds, can talk, can have tongue swelling, and still has the breath sounds and heart sounds that his relative did. You can practice IV starts on him, chest needle decompression, suctioning (he can make mucus), chest tube placement, and probably more. Pretty amazing to see how technology advances. I think this is a great tool to practice on if you get the chance. However, he apparently costs around $70,000 so he may not be everywhere. I thought I'd share this in case you haven't had the chance to meet the new and improved version of simulators. (I have no affiliation with or endorsement by MetiMan. This is merely for information.)

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